Error 404: Tips on How to Improve It and Turn It to Your Advantage

Error 404 is part of every website. It is a code (HTTP) that appears when, the server cannot find and display the requested page. However, many websites do not pay much attention to it and may unknowingly lose visitors. At ui42, we have recently improved ours again. Read why you should work on your error page too and what are the tips for its improvement.

Error 404: Tips on How to Improve It and Turn It to Your Advantage

Error 404: Tips on How to Improve It and Turn It to Your Advantage

Error 404 is part of every website. It is a code (HTTP) that appears when, the server cannot find and display the requested page. However, many websites do not pay much attention to it and may unknowingly lose visitors. At ui42, we have recently improved ours again. Read why you should work on your error page too and what are the tips for its improvement.

Error 404: Tips on How to Improve It and Turn It to Your Advantage


When and why does a 404 error page appear? 

A 404 page is displayed for various reasons. The most common is when an incorrect URL is entered into the command line or a user clicks through to a page that has been deleted or moved. Such a page can be encountered while browsing the web or through an external link from another website. Generally, a 404 error appears when the server cannot find the requested page.

Page not found: What does a poorly set up 404 page look like? 

An unset or unmodified 404 error page gives the impression of an error code. It most commonly contains phrases such as "error 404", "404 error", or in more creative cases, the webmaster or administrator adds a message like "an error has occurred somewhere" or "page not found". And then... NOTHING. 

Examples of unset 404 pages 

Why improve the 404 error page?

The moment a user sees an unmodified error page, you offer them no reason to stay on your site. The visitor – sometimes even a potential customer, leaves the site. However, if you offer an alternative through the 404 page or guide them to their destination by another route, all is not lost. There are several reasons why to optimize the 404 error page and give it proper attention. 

Error 404 improves user experience

UX – user experience is the feeling a website visitor gets from interacting with the pages. The better this feeling or impression, the greater the likelihood that they will make a purchase or order services that you offer. In the best case, they will return to the website and recommend it to their friends (write a positive reference). However, when they find themselves on an error page with no direction, from a UX perspective, the website gets a thumbs down.

UIČKOVSKÝ TIP: Valuable advice on how to tune your website for customers was compiled by our UX specialist Dušan in this article.

Error 404 and SEO. How are they related? 

If someone reaches an error page, it doesn't necessarily mean you've lost them. With the right content you can easily navigate them to other subpages of the website and ensure their interconnection. Internal linking of the website is important from the perspective of good search engine optimization – SEO. The longer a user stays on the website pages, the lower the bounce rate, which is also an evaluating factor that affects the final score for positions in search results.

Error 404 doesn't have to be a mistake, but another way to engage 

If there is a place on the website where you can get creative, it's definitely the 404 page. If it's not expressly contrary to the nature of the project, you can opt for funny text, slogan, or entertaining graphics. Even a 404 error page can be a way to communicate with the website visitor and create memorable content or build a brand.

Tips on how to improve the 404 error page 

How to turn the 404 error into a tool that directs the user back to your pages?

Explain what happened  

Briefly inform the user, what is the reason they ended up on the page. Writing a mere error 404 is really not enough. Write if the searched page was moved or if you completely removed it. Maybe you'll alert them to a typo in the URL address, but mainly you won't leave them staring at the monitor with a disappointed expression

Offer options on what to do next 

You can do this in several ways. Either select pages with similar content or navigate them to the homepage, where they will find a directory for orientation on your website. Alternatively, on the 404 error page place navigation with elements that will clearly guide them through the site. If you want to simplify their journey through the website, add a search option right away, which will direct them to other content they are looking for.

Use automated recommendations for relevant content 

Even a 404 error page can be a place where you engage the visitor with an attractive offer or content. With the message you might be interested in you can capture their attention with pop-up products, services, or content. 

So you don't have to select them according to complex rules, use automated recommendations. It's a tool based on artificial intelligence (specifically machine learning), which will display the most interesting personalized offer to the user. We wrote about their advantages in an article on our blog just recently.

Examples of creative 404 pages 

Need to tune up your 404 page or even the entire website? Contact us. As a one-stop shop agency, we provide all e-commerce services under one roof, from programming to fine-tuned UX design and expansion to new markets. 


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