Public institutions
Public institutions

To ensure fair and efficient governance, functioning of public institutions, and providing accessible and quality services to citizens can be a complex process. Consequently, it is crucial that websites, online forms, and applications are user-friendly and intuitive for citizens.

Good UX design is the key to delivering a positive user experience and building trust in public institutions. It enables users to quickly and efficiently find the information they need, complete necessary tasks, and communicate with government authorities. At ui42, we believe that user-centric solutions can lead to greater efficiency, transparency, and overall satisfaction for all stakeholders involved.

Our clients in this sector include:

Central Office of Labor, Social Affairs and Family
The text "STU" is an acronym and does not require translation as it typically stands for "Slovak University of Technology" in English, which is also known by its Slovak name "Slovenská technická univerzita". If "STU" is used in a different context, please provide more information for an accurate translation.
The text "TSK" is an acronym or abbreviation that could stand for various things in different contexts. Without additional context, it is not possible to provide a translation. If "TSK" is intended to be a specific term in Slovak that requires translation, please provide the full form or context for an accurate translation. If "TSK" is simply an acronym that does not change when translated to English, then it would remain "TSK".

Top projects

  • Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency

    Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency

    Project: Web application for creative vouchers Collaboration: Technical support of operations, management, ongoing updates, expansion, and reconstruction of existing websites for nati...


    Web application for creative vouchers


    • Technical support of operations, management, ongoing updates, expansion, and reconstruction of existing websites for national projects.
    • The result of the collaboration was an automated system for processing creative vouchers.
  • Slovakia's Department of Labour, Social Affairs, and Family

    Slovakia's Department of Labour, Social Affairs, and Family

    Project: Website Collaboration: Preparation of HTML and CSS for mobile devices. Responsive design of full-text search and sitemap. Server and Apache, MySQL, and PHP upgrade.




    • Preparation of HTML and CSS for mobile devices.
    • Responsive design of full-text search and sitemap.
    • Server and Apache, MySQL, and PHP upgrade.
  • Slovak University of Technology

    Slovak University of Technology

    Project: Website Collaboration: Information architecture, sitemap, and wireframes. Graphic design and programming on BUXUS CMS. Support for the latest PHP and MySQL - higher speed and security....




    • Information architecture, sitemap, and wireframes.
    • Graphic design and programming on BUXUS CMS.
    • Support for the latest PHP and MySQL - higher speed and security.

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