What does it mean

SEO is an acronym from the English Search Engine Optimization, which denotes the technique of optimizing websites and their content for search engines, such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, and so on. Search engine optimization includes a set of practices and techniques aimed at improving the visibility and traffic of a website through organic methods, that is, without the use of paid advertisements, thereby increasing their relevance and credibility. 

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SEO includes various activities, such as selecting relevant keywords, optimizing meta tags and titles, improving user experience, creating quality content, improving the navigation structure of the site or acquiring backlinks from other relevant sites. The goal of SEO is to improve these elements to be correctly interpretable and evaluated by search engines. A successful SEO strategy can contribute to increased traffic and conversions on websites, improving brand awareness, increasing trust and authority in the eyes of search engines and customers. It is important to know and follow the latest SEO guidelines and best practices, as search algorithms are constantly evolving and changing. There are two basic types of SEO, namely on-page SEO and off-page SEO. On-page SEO focuses on improving the content and code of a website. Off-page SEO involves acquiring backlinks and improving the reputation of a website on the internet.

The advantage of search engine optimization is that it allows for improving the organic placement of a website, which can lead to increased traffic and profit from the website. However, it is in constant development and it is necessary to monitor and adapt to changes in search engine algorithms.

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